Gather Around Me
Ben Pobjie and Cam Smith help you make sense of the world.
Episode 7: Schoolies Week

Episode 7 in a Series of 1000

Warning! May Contain Traces Of:

  1. The Fonz
  2. Conjoined Twins
  3. Magneto Was Right
  4. Schoolies Week
  5. Vampires in MX
  6. Twitter in MX
  7. Twitter in The Punch
  8. Herpes in MX
  9. Bad Boys II in MX
  10. How Do We Get Out Of This?
  11. The End of MX
  12. The Second Last Page of MX
  13. The Fifth Last Page of MX
  14. The End

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Gather Around Me

Direct download: gatheraroundme7.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:09pm EDT

Episode 6: Love Is Like A Heatwave

Episode 6 in a Series of 1000 Fireside Chats for

May contain traces of:

  • Britney Spears
  • People At The Cinema
  • Happy Birthday Jack McCoy
  • We Take Some Calls
  • Heatwave!
  • Taking Some Obscene Phone Calls
  • Direct download: gatheraroundme6-1.mp3
    Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:09am EDT

    Episode 5: What if you could go back and change one mistake?

    Episode 5 in a series of 1000 podcasts c/o your friends at

    Warning! May Contain:

    1. Gay Marriages?
    2. Allergies
    3. Chicks With Guitars
    4. Bikies
    5. Soccer
    6. Olivia Newton-John
    7. Straight Marriages
    8. Lightbulbs
    9. Media 140
    10. Cam's Walkley Award
    11. Ben's Sister went to Vietnam.... BUT WHY?

    Direct download: gatheraroundme5-1.mp3
    Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:50pm EDT